Курс "Огненный английский"

Состоит из:

✓ Заданий по ключевым темам из учебников по ФГОС (Spotlight, Forward и т д)
✓ Учебных видеороликов на Youtube, закрепляющих ключевые темы школьной программы
✓ Работающих методик объяснения грамматики, разработанными Школой "Отличник"
✓ Технологий тренировки правильного написания слов
✓ Базы запоминалок для быстрого запоминания большого объема слов/фраз и их перевода с английского на русский и с русского на английский.

Английский язык

5-8 лет (программа корректируется в зависимости от возраста) (дошкольники, ~ 1-2 класс)

В программу включены: vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and pronunciation, speaking, writing по темам:
1 People
2 Pronouns
3 Home
4 Food and dishes
5 Animals
6 Verbs
7 Things
8 Prepositions
9 Clothes
10 Time

9 лет (~ 3 класс)

1 Adjectives
2 Animals
3 Body and face
4 Calendar (The Days of the week, Clock)
5 Daily routine
6 Family
7 Food
8 Free time
9 Home
10 Prepositions
11 Question words
12 School
13 Things Toys
14 Transport
15 Verbs

10 лет (~ 4 класс)
1 20-100
2 Adjectives
3 Adverbs
4 Adverbs of frequency
5 Animals
6 Calendar
7 Clothes
8 Countries
9 Daily routine
10 Family
11 Food
12 Free Time
13 Free time (Activities)
14 Home
15 Months
16 Nature
17 Numbers
18 Past Simple Regular verbs
19 People
20 Places
21 Places in the city
22 Prepositions
23 Question words
24 The days of the week
25 Things at home
26 Useful expressions
27 Verbs
28 Weather
29 What time is it?

11 лет (~ 5 класс)
1 Animals
2 Colours
3 Countries and Nationalities
4 Daily routine
5 English-speaking countries
6 Food
7 Free Time
8 Home
9 People
10 Places
11 School
12 Time
13 Time Calendar Weather
14 Useful expressions
15 Verbs

12 лет (~ 6 класс)
1 Family members/ appearance
2 Forms of indification
3 Countries and nationalities
4 Days of the week/ months/ seasons, ordinal numbers
5 Rooms and furniture
6 Types of shops
7 Getting around, means of transport, homograph
8 Daily routine
9 Days/time
10 Making preparations
11 Celebrations
12 Festival activites
13 Games
14 Describing places
15 Feelings
16 Types of dwellings
17 Places in a town
18 Types of food/ drink
19 Tastes and dishes
20 Cooking verbs
21 Holiday activities
22 Weather and clothes
23 Weekend activities

13 лет (~ 7 класс)
1 Lifestyles
2 Safety rules/ phrasal verbs: run
3 Free-time activities
4 Places
5 Literary; genres
6 Sequence of events/ linking words
7 Sounds
8 Mythical characters
9 Hobbies and character qualities
10 Appearance
11 Character qualities, phrasal verbs: give; prepositional phrases
12 Types of media
13 Emotions; phrasal verbs: go
14 News & headlines
15 Magazine features
16 Predictions for the future; phrasal verbs: look
17 Gadgets
18 Computers
19 Technology/ teenagers' favorite gadgets
20 Places and fun activities phrasal verbs: come
21 Teen camp activities
22 Holiday activities
23 Activities in theme parks
24 Celebrities
25 Films; phrasal verbs; turn
26 Music
27 Football
28 Pollution; phrasal verbs: make
29 Helping out; eco-activities/ tools and equipment
30 Animals and habitats
31 Nature reserves
32 Products and shops; jobs in shops
33 Describing objects
34 Idioms and sayings
35 Stress sign; phrasal verbs: fall
36 Accidents; injuries
37 Aliments
38 Flying doctors; charities

14 лет (~ 8 класс)
1 Character adjectives; body language
2 Socialising; personal information
3 Physical appearance; whereabouts; relationships; idioms
4 Greetings cards
5 Phrasal verbs; get; prepositions
6 Food; ways of cooking
7 Shopping; places to shop; a/ an - the; quantifiers
8 Food quantities; verbs; ideoms; related to food
9 Phrasal verbs: go; prepositions
10 Fields of science
11 Work; jobs
12 Inventions
13 Stages in life; life events; idioms
14 Stories; verbs of action
15 Phrasal verbs: bring; words often confused
16 Appearance; self-esteem
17 Fasion; clothes; patterns; style; material
18 Performances
19 Body image; idioms related to body
20 Teenage problems
21 Natural disasters
22 Global concerns
23 Experiences
24 Weather; idioms related to weather
25 Opinions and veiwpoints
26 Phrasal verbs; call; words often confused
27 Holidays; travel; activities
28 Holiday problems
29 Travel experiences
30 Means of transport; idioms related to transport
31 Host families
32 Technology, media usage
33 Education
34 Sports
35 Applications

14 лет (~ 9 класс)
1 Festivals and celebrations superstitions
2 Household chores
3 Towns/Villages; Neighbours
4 Dreams & Nightmares
5 The mind
6 technology
7 Computer Problems
8 the Internet
9 types of art
10 types of music; music likes/dislikes
11 films: cinema;
12 entertainment
13 animals: animal shelters: volunteer work
14 map symbols & road features
15 public services; jobs & qualities
16 fears; phobias; emotions
17 emergency services
18 food & health
19 parts of the body; injuries; experiences
20 risks; feelings
21 survival; equipment

Результат ученика будет соответствовать его возрасту и требованиям школьной программы:
✓ Будет знать слова по темам, перечисленным выше
✓ Будет уметь строить грамматические структуры
✓ Успешно выполнять задания по аудированию и произношению
✓ Успешно строить фразы на английском
✓ Успешно писать слова и фразы на английском языке
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